March 2, 2009
I read the book Man and his Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung, Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz, Dr. Joseph L. Henderson, Mrs. Aniela Jaffé and Dr. Jolande Jacobi. And John Freeman did the introduction.
After much discussion, the comprehensive subject of the book was agreed to be Man and his Symbols; and Jung himself selected as his collaborators in the work Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz of Zurich, perhaps his closest professional confidante and friend; Dr. Joseph L. Henderson of San Francisco, one of the most prominent and trusted of American Jungians; Mrs. Aniela Jaffé of Zurich, who, in addition to being an experienced analyst, was Jung’s confidential private secretary and his biographer; and Dr. Jolande Jacobi, who after Jung himself is the most experienced author among Jung’s Zurich circle. These four people were chosen partly because of their skill and experience in the particular subjects allocated to them and partly because all of them were completely trusted by Jung to work unselfishly to his instructions as members of a team. Jung’s personal responsibility was to plan the structure of the whole book, to supervise and direct the work of his collaborators, and himself to write the keynote chapter, “Approaching the Unconscious.” [1]
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February 17, 2009
I finished a book called The Undiscovered Self by Carl Gustav Jung.
I read another book by Jung called Memories, Dreams, Reflections. He’s the psychiatrist guy who had a grandfather that was a Freemason and Grand Master of the Swiss lodge. Jung also collaborated with Sigmund Freud, but that kind of ended when Freud wanted to make dogma out of sexual theory.
Jung regarded himself primarily as a doctor, a psychiatrist. [1]
My grandfather changed the elements of the arms, probably out of a spirit of resistance toward his father. He was an ardent Freemason and Grand Master of the Swiss lodge. [2]
I can still recall vividly how Freud said to me, “My dear Jung, promise me never to abandon the sexual theory. That is the most essential thing of all. You see, we must make a dogma of it, an unshakable bulwark. [3]
When, then, Freud announced his intention of identifying theory and method and making them into some kind of dogma, I could no longer collaborate with him; there remained no choice for me but to withdraw. [4]
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February 14, 2009
I wanted to read something different so the librarian recommend me Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Gustav Jung.
This book was recorded and edited by Aniela Jaffé, and it was translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston. This book is a third printing, it was published in New York by Pantheon Books and the copyright is 1961, 1962, 1963.
Carl Gutav Jung was a psychiatrist and he’s dead. Jung wasn’t into revealing his personal life to the public so he referred to this book “as “Aniela Jaffé’s project,” to which he had made contributions.” [p. ix]
Jung regarded himself primarily as a doctor, a psychiatrist. [p. x]
On the other hand, my recollection of ‘inner’ experiences has grown all the more vivid and colorful. This poses a problem of description which I scarcely feel able to cope with, at least for the present. Unfortunately, I cannot, for these reasons, fulfill your request, greatly as I regret my inability to do so. . . .”
This letter characterizes Jung’s attitude. Although he had already “resolved to take the plunge,” the letter ends with a refusal. To the day of this death the conflict between affirmation and rejection was never entirely settled. There always remained a residue of skepticism, a shying away from his future readers. He did not regard these memoirs as a scientific work, nor even as a book by himself. Rather, he always spoke and wrote of it as “Aniela Jaffé’s project,” to which he had made contributions. At his specific request it is not to be included in his Collected Works. [p. ix]
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February 7, 2009
I read Plato’s Republic. It’s thought that this book was written around 380 B.C. This translation that I read, copyright 1992, is by G.M.A. Grube, and C.D.C. Reeve revised it.
With some significant interruptions, to which we shall return, Plato spent the remainder of his life as director of studies in the Academy (see 528b-c). He is thought to have written the Republic there in around 380 B.C. [1]
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January 8, 2009
I wanted to read a short book so the librarian recommended me the book The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin.
It’s from 1952.
The librarian told me that Charles Galton Darwin was the grandson of Charles Darwin.
Charles Galton Darwin comes from the Darwin family, and the Darwin family has had a lot of influence in the past, so you could say that Charles Galton Darwin probably has some influence too.
Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, was the founder of the Lunar Society. One of the members of the Lunar Society was Benjamin Franklin.
The founder of the Lunar Society, Erasmus Darwin, had in 1794 written a book called Zoönomia in which he outlined his theory of evolution, anticipating not only [Jean Baptiste] Lamarck’s ideas but even the theory of natural selection; this book had the distinction of being placed on the Catholic Index; its popularity among independent thinkers was thus assured ([Desmond] King-Hele 1977). [1]
While the French Revolution, and earlier the American Revolution, were acting out their destinies, influential forces at work in England were not only largely responsible for the Industrial Revolution, but were actively sowing the seeds of socialism. It has been acknowledged by [A.E.] Musson and [E.] Robinson (1969) and [R.E.] Schofield (1963) that the Lunar Society of Birmingham, which was active from about 1764 and 1800 and never had more than fourteen members, was the most influential group of men in England. This group’s influence continued long afterwards under the banner of The Royal Society. In an article on the Lunar Society, Lord Richie-Calder (1982) refers to the men it brought together as a company of “merchants of light”, a description used for just such a society in Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, written more than a century earlier ([N.H.] Webster 1924). The Lunar Society got its name from the fact that it met monthly at the time of the full moon. Included as its members were such names as Erasmus Darwin, who was Charles Darwin’s grandfather; John Wilkinson, a cannon maker; James Watt of steam engine fame; Matthew Boulton, a manufacturer; Joseph Priestly, a chemist; Josiah Wedgwood, founder of the famous pottery business; and Benjamin Franklin, a correspondent in the American colonies. These men recognized that knowledge was power, and by pooling information from various activities and investigations, they were responsible for a number of scientific discoveries that served as the driving force for the Industrial Revolution. [2]
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